How to get here?
Biebrza National Park and the Gugny village, you may reach:
- from Bialystok by Mońki approx. 50km;
- from Olsztyn by Orzysz and Elk approx. 210km;
- from Warsaw by Wyszków and Ostrow Mazowiecka approx. 170km
- from Lisbon only 3600km 🙂
Oh and you do not have to travel off-road vehicle or amphibian. During the summer, many tourists visit us on bikes.
GPS position: N 53 ° E 22 ° 20,996` 35,452` Accurate position of our house you can see below on google map, best in sattelite view:
«U Broni» Gospodarstwo Gościnne Bronisława Kowalska 19-104 Gugny 2 gm. Trzcianne woj. podlaskie